You Only Live Once, Keep Giving All Year Long

You Only Live Once, Keep Giving all Year Long

Charity can be done year round

For some people, they think that charity is only something done in the month of December when you are being asked to donate money or buy gifts for people in need. However, charity can be done every day of the year. It’s about giving back to your community and helping others who are less fortunate than yourself.

There are many ways that one can give back to their community. A good way for kids or teenagers to help is by participating in charity walks or runs. Another way to get involved and give back is donating old clothes and supplies which could be used by people who are less fortunate.

Some charity organizations that you could support include:

  • Donate Furniture to charity; Habitat for Humanity
  • Go to charity auctions; Brothers Against Duchenne, The Romito Foundation
  • Volunteer your time at local soup kitchens, food banks, and homeless shelters; Cafe 180
  • Donate money either online or directly to a charity organization of your choice

It's not quantity, but quality

The most important thing is not how much money you give but rather the act of giving itself. You may be surprised by how good you feel after donating even if it’s only $10. Everyone has different abilities so maybe instead of donating money you can donate food or water for people in need. The point is that it doesn’t have to cost any money. It can be something as simple as writing cards to soldiers overseas or spending time talking with someone who is lonely. Every act counts and helps charity organizations do their work.

Everyone has the power to make change

This is why charity should not only be reserved for the month of December, but an everyday thing which everyone in the community contributes to. Once you give back to society it will make you feel good inside and show that every single person has the power to change something in this world for the better. Also giving back to the community is a great way to have fun with your friends and family, as well as helping those in need. There are so many opportunities for people of all ages to volunteer their time or resources towards a worthy cause. Whether you’re looking for an event that will be happening soon or if you want to organize one yourself – there’s something out there for everyone! So find ways that work best for your situation and give back this year by volunteering at events like charity walks, runs, food drives, toy donations-the list goes on! It’s why we should give back all year long!

Team Yolo enjoys giving back; that is the embodiment of YOLO!

Since we first established business in 2012, Yolo LTD has been committed to making a difference in many communities in which we work and live. We strive to be responsible corporate citizens and make a difference in each of the communities we serve. We pride ourselves as active participants in charitable events giving back to local communities to help fight against poverty and improving educational opportunities. Team Yolo Rum has participated in fundraisers, generating thousands of dollars for charities to support S.T.E.M. education, such as the Nolan Carroll Foundation. We have also provided resources for educational opportunities, scholarships, and physical fitness and wellness programs. With our support, as well as the support of our customers, fans and investors, we’ve helped thousands of amazing young people accomplish incredible goals. Visit our websites “Our Story” page to see how we’ve given back to our communities.

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