Party games for a night in with the crew
Nothing beats gathering with friends for drinks and a good time during these cold winter months. If you want to take your winter nights to the next level and make them even more memorable, then why not break out one of these classic drinking games that you can enjoy with Yolo Rum or a rum cocktail? Read on to learn about some of the best rum-filled winter drinking games! Whether you’re an amateur or an old pro, something here will suit everyone’s tastes.
Ring of Fire
One of the most classic drinking games around is Ring of Fire. You only need a deck of playing cards and at least three players to play this game. Each player draws from the deck of cards placed face down in a circle or ring around a cup in the middle, or the “Kings Cup.” As each card is drawn, that card has its own specially assigned rule. For example, players may have to drink a certain amount or perform a funny challenge depending on which card is drawn. As Kings are drawn from the deck, the player that draws the King pours some of their drink or cocktail into the Kings Cup. The game ends when the last king is drawn, and the player that drew the final King drinks the contents of the Kings Cup! This game is perfect for any night spent with friends.

Quartermaster aka Quarters
If you’d like to add some skill to your drinking game, then Quartermaster might be just what you need. This game requires two teams, and each team needs four quarters or coins. Players take turns bouncing the coins across a flat surface to land them into individual cups or shot glasses placed on the opposite side of the table. The team who sinks all their coins first wins, and losing team drinks! The game is simple, but it does require some skill to sink the coins into the glass.
Cards Against Humanity
This popular party game has been adapted for alcohol by adding a simple twist—every time someone plays an answer card, they must also drink their beverage of choice. Many people can play Cards Against Humanity at once, so ensure everyone has access to their favorite rum! It’s perfect for large and small groups, so don’t hesitate to invite as many friends as possible when playing this classic party game this winter!
"Never Have I Ever"
To play this game, you will need a group of people, some drinks, and a willingness to share some secrets! Here’s how to play:
- One person starts by saying, “Never have I ever…” and then finishes the sentence with something they have never done. For example, “Never have I ever bungee jumped.”
- Anyone in the group who has done the activity described must take a drink.
- The following person then takes their turn, saying, “Never have I ever…” and so on.
- The game usually ends once you suddenly realize that you know WAY more about your friends than you needed to.
Depending on your group’s comfort level, you can make the game as PG or R-rated as you like. Just remember to drink responsibly and have a designated driver if necessary!
With these four classic rum-drinking games in your repertoire, you will have plenty of fun during those long winter nights spent with friends! From Ring Of Fire’s quick pace and easy rules to Quartermaster’s strategic approach and Cards Against Humanity’s comedic touch – no matter what type of night you’re looking for, there’s something here that will suit everyone’s tastes. So grab your favorite bottle of rum and prepare for memorable winter nights over a Yolo Rum cocktail with friends.