Movies That Will Make You Want to Drink Rum

movies that make you want to drink rum

Rum is fun!

There’s something about rum that just screams “adventure.” Maybe it’s because rum is often associated with pirates, or maybe it’s because drinking rum is just plain fun. Whatever the reason, there are a few movie characters that love their rum almost as much as we do. We love rum, and we love movie characters that love rum. Here are some of our favorite movies that will make you want to drink rum.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

This is the movie that started it all. Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp, is a pirate who loves his rum. There’s a famous line from this film that so many rum drinkers utter every time a bottle is empty, “But Why is The Rum Gone?”

The Rum Diary

This movie is based on Hunter S. Thompson’s novel of the same name, and it chronicles his early days as a journalist in Puerto Rico during the 1960s. Like “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,” there are plenty of scenes involving decadent drinking, but what sets this film apart is its gorgeous Caribbean setting. If anything can make you want to drink rum, it’s watching this film set against the backdrop of white beaches and crystal-clear waters.


This 1988 classic starring Tom Cruise is all about cocktails and the art of mixology. While there are plenty of different cocktails featured in the film, one of the most iconic is the eponymous cocktail made with light rum, lime juice, and sugar syrup. Delicious AND dangerous? Sign us up!

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Dead Man's Chest

In this 2006 installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, Jack Sparrow is ready to set sail when Elizabeth is disguised as a young man who wants to join the crew to find her love, Jack Sparrow doesn’t hesitate to tell the crew to hide the rum!

After watching any of these films, we guarantee you’ll be craving some rum. So why not try one of our favorite recipes? Whether you’re in the mood for a refreshing mojito or a spice-filled daiquiri, we’ve got you covered, visit our recipe page to find a delicious cocktail using the “Best rum in the world” Yolo Rum! Pour a drink, and enjoy these movies that will make you want to drink rum.

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