Does Rum and Soda Go Well Together?

Rum and Soda is a common cocktail combination

Do you like rum and soda? I know I do. In fact, rum and soda is one of the most common cocktail combinations out there. A common question that we get asked is, “Does rum and Soda go well together?” Rum and soda come together to make two of the most ordered cocktails on almost any drink menu. The most typical rum with soda drink is probably the basic Rum and Cola, also known as a Cuba Libre. With only a couple easy ingredients that you are likely to have ready and available anywhere, the Cuba Libre is an easy to make and easy to drink cocktail. Another often ordered rum and soda cocktail is the traditional mojito. The mojito is a delicious combination of rum, sugar, lime juice, soda water and mint. The mint flavors add an additional level of complexity intended to complement the rum, and has made the mojito a popular summer drink. Let’s take a look at a couple of these rum and soda cocktails.

Yolo Strawberry Soda Cocktail Recipe

Some think that rum and soda is one of the best cocktail combinations ever. Did you know that you can make this cocktail even better by adding strawberries? Yep, it’s true! Trust me, once you try it, you’ll be hooked. So what are you waiting for? Get in the kitchen and start mixing up some drinks! You won’t regret it.

What’s not to love about this refreshing drink that only takes five minutes and has the power of giving you an instant cool down? This sparkly Yolo Rum Silver cocktail is one of our favorites, it features fresh strawberries muddled together with some airy bubbles for just enough flavor. The sweet fruitiness combined with alcohol makes this such perfect summertime sipping!

This rum cocktail is just one of many you can make. It’s the perfect drink for summertime, especially if it has some sweet fruit blended in! Some favorite variations include Mango Coladas (Mangoes + Yolo Silver + Yolo Gold), Blueberry Mojitos(Yolo Silver), Pineapple Sangria, or Watermelon Yolo Rum Punch to lighten up your party celebrations with these refreshing cocktails that are bubbly too!

Yolo Rum and Cola cocktail recipe

This cocktail is one of the most popular drinks in America. It has two ingredients, but there’s more than meets the eye! You can customize this drink to suit your needs by adjusting proportions and by using rum that’s right for whatever kind or mood you’re in.

There’s really no wrong type of rum to use in a Rum & Coke. It all works equally well, so you might try different styles for variety’s sake! You can even go with half light rum and dark rums if that suits your personal preferences better – just be sure to use Yolo Rum!

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